We enable our students to operate effectively in the professional practice of Christian ministry and pursue effective practices for personal vitality. This leads to the personal transformation of students.
We are concerned that our students not only learn God’s Word but also learn to obey it and to grow in Christ likeness. One of the key elements in making our students Christ-like is the biblical model of living.
We believe that the Bible, properly taught and applied, is the foundation and superstructure of any God-honouring ministry. As a result, students dedicate themselves to the church relevant ministry.
A beautiful place with ideal atmosphere for a studies on theology. A apt place for meditation. Thanks to missionaries who developed it
Peaceful, silent, wonderful and beautiful campus for theological education. Well experienced and qualified teaching faculty.
The Uniqueness of Christ.
Worship, Prayer and Practise.
Mission and Ministry.
Power of the Holy Spirit
Proclaim the Gospel
Making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Work with integrity and accountability
Pursuit of holy living, love and service
Equipping servant leaders
C.S.I Christ Church Service 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM
Connecting the church across the globe with local churches in South India.(Romans 12:5)
Demonstrating the love of God to people and families with critical needs equipping them with skills for life and community transformation. (Micah 6:8)
Training indigenous leaders to proclaim the gospel of Christ and Shepherd the flock.(Acts 14:23)
Disciplining Christ-followers in their faith journey with the goal to invest their lives in others. (2 Timothy 2:2)
Planting churches all across Southeast Asia with the goal of reproducing themselves. (Romans 15:19-20)
Reaching the unreached with the message of Jesus Christ through every available means. (1 Corinthians 9:22)